by Jonathan | Dec 8, 2023 | Charitable Giving, Taxes
If you haven’t seen Amazon’s Christmas toy catalog, it’s something to behold. Not only is it filled with hundreds of enticing children’s toys (prices not included), but it also contains sticker sheets and pages of activities to keep any child occupied for hours...
by Jonathan | Jul 19, 2023 | Investing, Saving, Uncategorized
There’s a particular house in my neighborhood that always catches my eye. I’ve jogged past it for 12 years but it still makes me smile. Rather than employ mulch or landscaping pebbles, the owners opted to literally encase their flower beds in concrete: creating a...
by Jonathan | May 10, 2023 | Investing
Most of us can probably remember our first significant watch purchase. Mine was almost 20 years ago, but the memory hasn’t faded. I was fresh out of watchmaking school working for a small, family-owned jewelry store. The watch was a Rolex Turn-O-Graph. It...
by Jonathan | Mar 13, 2023 | Investing, The Market
As a Lancaster, PA native, there’s not much that says “Lancaster County” more than an Amish patchwork quilt. Okay, maybe Shoofly Pie. Still, walk into any tourist trap boasting “genuine Lancaster County crafts” and you’re bound to see at least one quilt hanging on the...
by Jonathan | Feb 14, 2023 | Budgeting, Saving
Albert Einstein is often credited with saying, “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it: he who doesn’t, pays it.” He is referring, of course, to the phenomenon of interest accumulating on both an investment’s principal and...